Lengai Current Year News. For prior years see the Lengai News Archive.
I will post news about Lengai here whenever it becomes available. The most recent news is at the bottom of the page. If you have climbed Lengai or made photos from the air please send me your observations and I will include them here. Your contributions will be much appreciated by those who track the activity and changes in the crater.
The news items below are supplemental to and in some cases a duplication of information published in the Smithsonian Global Volcanism Network Reports.
Photos on these pages are property of the individuals named and should not be used without permission. Without the generosity of these contributors we would not know what is happening at Lengai.
April 2013: Bonnie Betts of the USA climbed on April 10 and reported: "I climbed the mountain April 10th. We started at midnight in a thunderstorm with light rain, but it cleared up. You could hear the lava sloshing around inside the crater before getting to the top; also dark smoke could be seen coming from the crater while ascending in the night. I wanted to get up there in the dark to see it glowing red, but I was not allowed to. Looking into the crater, you can see the lava sloshing back and forth in the dark, black tunnel, then some would flow out with a different flowing swishing sound."
Bonnie also described a "crack" running below the crater that goes all the way around the mountain, and she implied that local guides are afraid that the this may be the beginning of a collapse of the inner wall of the pit crater.
Posted below are two photos from Bonnie's climb.

A large spatter cone has formed near against the crater wall, appearing to be located on the northwest side of the pit. The side of the cone
has ruptured, allowing the lava to spill down the side of the cone. Photo courtesy Bonnie Betts.

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